vaid|vaids in English


person who practices Ayurveda, one who practices Ayurvedic medicine

Use "vaid|vaids" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "vaid|vaids" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "vaid|vaids", or refer to the context using the word "vaid|vaids" in the English Dictionary.

1. One day after Max Ehrich was spotted Cozying up to American Idol alum Sonika Vaid, his ex Demi Lovato has been seen …

2. Vaid classifies chronic Absentees into five categories viz.: (i) Entrepreneurs (ii) Status seekers (iii) Epicureans (iv) Family-oriented, and (v) The Sick and die Old.

3. ‘Pranic healing is not an alternative medicine though and hence it is important to consult an Allopath for medical problems.’ ‘His grandfather was an Ayurvedic vaid, and his father, though an Allopath, acknowledges the benefits of homoeopathy and other systems.’

4. Üha suurenev ja kohati Absurdini jõudnud tarbijalikkus, meelelahutuse esikohale seadmine elu kõrgemate väärtuste ja eesmärkide üle ning kohati lausa pime usk tehnoloogia kõikvõimsusesse ja lubatavusesse ei ole enam mitte üksikisiku või ühiskonna probleem, vaid keerukas probleemide pundar, kus põimuvad sotsiaalsed, ökoloogilised ja